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About the 8-Week Year

The 8‑Week Year is the heart of our Transformational Life Coaching practice. We borrowed and incorporated lessons from Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington, authors of, The 12-Week Year and other beliefs and scientific principles. The disciplines found in our course and planner have been customized to fit the individual who is multi-passionate.

Do you know what you want? What would life be like if...

  • Want to launch a new course, product, or business?  
  • Want to write and self-publish a book?
  • Or maybe you want to run a marathon, improve your health, reduce stress, sleep better or lose some weight?
  • Perhaps all you want to do is improve your relationships or maybe you just want to be happy living your dream life. 

Whatever you want to do, my answer is Yes, YOU can. All goals share the same blueprint. No matter what you want to accomplish, the steps to get you there are ALWAYS the same.

Why 8‑Weeks?

  • If we gave ourselves a year to lose 50 pounds, there’s a strong possibility that we would find ourselves thinking that we have plenty of time. After all, December in January looks a long way off. There’s no sense of urgency in January, or March or even in July.


  • Time goes by, life happens, we get distracted, discouraged and eventually lose interest, not always, but often enough that most of us can point to a handful of setbacks and failures with disappointment and regret. December shows up and we feel like big chunky losers.


We need a better plan. We need better systems in place.

  • We are going to play a game. We are going to pretend that 8‑weeks is 12-months. Don’t worry, this doesn’t mean that you’ll age 6 years in a 12-month calendar year. But you’re more than welcome to celebrate New Year’s Eve at the end of your 8‑Week Year!

  • When it comes to setting goals, every week and every day counts. Instead of 12 months, you only have 8 weeks. Fall behind a day and it might affect your weekly goal, fall behind a week and you’ll have a lot of catching up to do because a week in an 8‑Week Year is a big deal.


Ever heard of the Compound Effect?

  • When you do only one important task, each day, it doesn’t feel so overwhelming. You’re stretching yourself, but you’re not noticing the effort because it’s subtle. Have faith that something wonderful is brewing.  

  • You will approach the 8‑Week Year in a sustainable pace.

  •  According to Jeff and J.J. Sutherland, authors of, Scrum, The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time, share that:

 “Working long hours doesn’t get more done; it gets less done. Working too much results in fatigue, which leads to errors, which leads to having to fix the thing you just finished.”

  • The 8‑Week Year is simple but not easy. It requires that you throw out everything that you think you know about time management and goal-setting and approach these principles with an open mind.

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